The approved projects under Call 2017 for Climate Action were presented in Brussels
The Kick-off Meeting of the LIFE Climate Action projects, funded in the frame of Call 2017, was held on 2-3 October in Brussels. The meeting was organized by the Executive Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises (EASME) and gathered representatives of the new projects, European Commission and the National Contact Points (NCP) from the Member states.
„36 successful projects have already received funding in 2017: 17 climate adaption projects, 13 climate mitigation projects, 6 information and governance projects", declared Philip Owen, head of unit in DG Climate Action.
Representatives of DG Climate Action gave an overview of the latest developments on climate change adaptation and mitigation policy, following the Paris Agreement. The representatives of all new projects presented their work during thematic working sessions.
Еxperience and best practices of the approved projects will be presented to the Bulgarian beneficiaries during the upcoming trainings for the coming LIFE call 2019.
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