Second interinstitutional meeting for LIFE Programme policy uptake was held at the Ministry of Environment and Water
Second inter ministerial meeting for the integration of the LIFE program with operational programs and sectoral plans in Bulgaria was held in the Ministry of Environment and Water on 20.02.2019.
Participants in the meeting were representatives of state institutions responsible for managing operational programs in Bulgaria as well as implementing specific policies and programs that fall under the thematic priorities of the LIFE Program.
The agenda of the event included presentations and discussions about the measures of the sectoral programs that could be funded with LIFE financing and exchange of experience from the implementation of already approved LIFE projects in Bulgaria.
The participants presented and discussed ideas and opportunities for implementing the LIFE environment and climate policies and their better integration into the Operational Programs for the period 2021-2027.
The discussion was organized by the National Contact Point in Bulgaria under the LIFE Programme at MoEW.
life bulgaria
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Waste Management Bulgaria 1 OOD
Subcontractor, Expert

malenko stoianov
Associated beneficiary, Coordinating beneficiary, Co-financer


РКИ РЦСИ "Топлоцентрала"
Associated beneficiary, Coordinating beneficiary, Subcontractor