General information
Organization | ЕКОТРАЙК-БГ |
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Description of organisation and experiences (in English) |
The company is the only licensed from the Ministry of health in Bulgaria in the field of products for children and adults with disabilities. Ecotrike is leader on the development of cargo trikes for industrial and urban cleaning and greening activities. The company is specialized in the production of tricycles, rickshaws, tandems, and special platforms on wheels. Since its establishment in 2007, we are trying to provide the highest standards of professionalism and excellence in the production of tricycles.
As a result, our company has adopted an approach of continuous innovation and dedication to serving its clients according to the cutting-edge standards in the realm of tricycles specifically designed to meet the needs of our clients.
The product range of ECOTRIKE-BG includes four modifications of tricycles: City Tricycles; Rehabilitation Tricycles; Industrial/Factory Tricycles and Advertising Tricycles.
Based on the success that the company has reaped in Eastern Europe and its highest-quality physical and human resources equipment and expertise in the production of individually-designed tricycles, we have dedicated its current efforts to expanding the realm of its operation in the Western European Market.
Description of organisation and experiences (in Bulgarian) |
Българската компания ЕКОТРАЙК-БГ ЕООД е създадена през 2007г. и е специализирана в проектирането и изработването на универсални триколесни велосипеди. Велосипедите се изработват по индивидуални проекти, иновативна технология и притежават специални технически характеристики.
Производствената гама на ЕКОТРАЙК-БГ ЕООД включва различни по предназначение и вид триколесни велосипеди с терапевтични цели, за хора с всякакъв вид двигателни нарушения . За спорт и рекреация, електрически, индустриални, рекламни, тандеми,рикши, товарни платформи на колела.
Марката ECOTRIKE-BG® е международно патентована. През 2012 г. Компанията получава сертификат Медицинско изделие (UDMNS:16949) от Изпълнителна агенция по лекарствата (BDA) за терапевтичните и рехабилитационните си продукти.
Project references |
Contact information
life bulgaria
Our latest partner

Waste Management Bulgaria 1 OOD
Subcontractor, Expert

malenko stoianov
Associated beneficiary, Coordinating beneficiary, Co-financer
Natural person


РКИ РЦСИ "Топлоцентрала"
Associated beneficiary, Coordinating beneficiary, Subcontractor
Public body