РКИ РЦСИ "Топлоцентрала"

General information

Organization РКИ РЦСИ "Топлоцентрала"
Area of interest
  • Environment and Resource Efficiency
  • Climate Change Adaptation
  • Climate Change Mitigation
Are you interested in international projects?
  • environment
Type of cooperation
Associated beneficiary
Coordinating beneficiary
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Legal status
Public body
Description of organisation and experiences (in English)
The Toplocentrala project is a joint initiative between independent artists and Sofia Municipality to transform a former heat plant into a Centre for Contemporary Arts. Launched in 2014, the project gained momentum during Sofia's bid for European Capital of Culture and an IETM meeting where international experts favoured the heat plant location. The project's development involved collaboration between municipal administration and the Topocentralal Association, supported by foreign cultural institutes and international networks. In 2015, as a result of a broad cf-creation process between the independent arts sector, architects, cultural managers, citizens, three project models were created, with the final model incorporating visual and musical arts alongside performing arts. In 2018, an architectural competition was held, won by Bulgarian architects Mariana Serbova and Anton Kolev. The Sofia City Council approved funding for renovation in 2019, and construction began in June 2020. In 2021, the centre was established as the Regional Centre for Contemporary Arts "Toplocenrala" by a Ministerial Council decree. The centre's mission is to enhance Sofia's cultural life, develop innovative art forms, create a model for future art centres, raise Sofia's profile internationally, and foster international artistic collaboration. Its functions include presenting and co-producing works from the independent art scene, showcasing international art, facilitating artist collaborations through a residency program, focusing on education and youth engagement, hosting public discussions, and organising outdoor events. The centre aims to initiate cross-sectoral interactions between culture and other fields, encourage multi-genre artistic collaborations, and include activities for underprivileged communities. Its ethical code emphasises partnership, knowledge sharing, reliability, independence, trust, solidarity, and environmental responsibility. Toplocentrala represents a significant development in Sofia's cultural landscape, repurposing industrial heritage into a space for contemporary culture, following a trend established in other European cities. It seeks to improve conditions for independent artists, stimulate artistic development, create an attractive cultural destination of international importance in Sofia, and promote ecologically sustainable art practices in the sector and beyond.
Description of organisation and experiences (in Bulgarian)
Проектът Топлоцентрала е съвместна инициатива на група артисти от независимата артистична сцена и Столична община, която стартира през 2014 г. с основната идея да трансформира бившата топлоцентрала на НДК, построена през 1981, в Център за съвременни изкуства от модерен европейски тип. В периода 09.12.2022 – 08.04.2024 Топлоцентрала е щастлив получател на ползите от проекта „Утвърждаване на РЦСИ ТОПЛОЦЕНТРАЛА като модерно пространство за изкуство, култура и диалог“ BGCULTURE-2.001-0090, който се изпълнява с финансова подкрепа в размер на 199 996,93 евро, предоставена от Исландия, Лихтенщайн и Норвегия по линия на Финансовия механизъм на ЕИП 2014-2021 г. по Програма PA14 „Културно предприемачество, наследство и сътрудничество“ и се осъществява от Столична община в партньорство с Tou Scene Ставангер, Норвегия и АСТ Асоциация за свободен театър.
Project references
Contact person

РКИ РЦСИ "Топлоцентрала"

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