Община Бобов дол
General information
Organization | Община Бобов дол |
Area of interest |
Are you interested in international projects? |
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Country |
Type of cooperation |
Associated beneficiary
Coordinating beneficiary
Have you already participated in LIFE project? |
Legal status |
Public body
Description of organisation and experiences (in English) |
Bobov Dol Municipality is located in Southwestern Bulgaria, in the border of the Kyustendil region. The total area is 206.2 sq. Km, which represents about 11% of the area. The municipal territory borders on the north with the municipality of Radomir (Pernik region), on the east with the municipality of Dupnitsa, on the south - the Boboshevo municipality, the southwest with the municipality of Nevestino and on the west with the municipality Kyustendil (Kyustendil region).
The population of the municipality amounts to approximately 7,500 people.The Bobov Dol Municipality is characterized by its excellent location as well as the well-established transport and technical infrastructure.
Description of organisation and experiences (in Bulgarian) |
Община Бобов дол се намира в Югозападна България, в границата на област Кюстендил. Общата площ е 206,2 кв. км, което представлява около 11% от площта. Територията на общината граничи на север с община Радомир (област Перник), на изток с община Дупница, на юг - с община Бобошево, на югозапад с община Невестино и на запад с община Кюстендил ( област Кюстендил).
Населението на общината е около 7500 души. Община Бобов дол се характеризира с отличното си местоположение, както и с добре изградената транспортна и техническа инфраструктура.
Project references |
Община Бобов дол

Contact information
life bulgaria
Our latest partner

Waste Management Bulgaria 1 OOD
Subcontractor, Expert

malenko stoianov
Associated beneficiary, Coordinating beneficiary, Co-financer
Natural person


РКИ РЦСИ "Топлоцентрала"
Associated beneficiary, Coordinating beneficiary, Subcontractor
Public body