General information
Organization | ALLPLAN GmbH |
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Description of organisation and experiences (in English) |
Company Description:
ALLPLAN GmbH is an Austria based internationally active Consulting Company for technical building services and energy and environmental management, which was established 1967 as a technical bureau for heating, ventilation and air conditioning.
In the field of energy efficiency ALLPLAN not only offers auditing services in line with the Austrian Energy Efficiency Law including all areas (buildings, industry, transport processes) but has also already optimized more than 50 % of the main industrial energy users. Buildings (including office buildings, hospitals, and public buildings) are target of optimized planning services, but also monitored and optimized during their operational life.
The company carries out R&D projects in the area of energy efficiency in buildings and industry, focusing on topics like climate neutral buildings, storage of electricity from renewables in buildings or optimisation of buildings in order to reduce the flow temperature of district heating networks.
ALLPLAN has numerous track records for different IFIs and institutions: EBRD, IFC, IIC, OeEB, EC, EU, GIZ and other donors in the field of District Heating, Energy Efficiency and Renewables. Among others, ALLPLAN also provides Technical Assistance for several SEFFs (=Sustainable Energy Financing Facilities) as Verification Consultant, Project Consultant and as Energy Efficiency Consultant.
In the area of technical infrastructure and alternative energy systems ALLPLAN provides consultancy services related to the following areas: district heating, district cooling, solar thermal systems, photovoltaic systems, supply and disposal systems, cogeneration, geothermal heating and cooling, HVAC Engineering and turnkey plants for local power supply. ALLPLAN has also a long track record of developing feasibility and market studies from an interdisciplinary perspective – both on national and international level.
Description of organisation and experiences (in Bulgarian) | |
Project references |
CEEP (2013-2017): CEEP was a credit line to finance Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy opportunities in private industry and SME sector in three countries: Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia. ALLPLAN team provided technical assistance and managed the facility. Tasks comprised among others the identification of energy saving investments, preparation of bankable documents, ensuring compliance with technical eligibility criteria, carrying out energy audits where required, training loan officers of participating banks, and marketing CEEP as a Credit Line for the EBRD.
ArmSEFF (2010-2013): was a 20 million Euro credit line targeting private Armenian companies in all sectors incl. SMEs, which intend to invest in energy efficiency or renewable energy projects. In frame of ArmSEFF ALLPLAN was responsible for management, elaboration of forms, manuals, and other documents to be used under the facility, training of banking staff focusing on identification and assessment of bankable energy efficiency opportunities among their clients as well as energy audits at selected enterprises. Furthermore, several marketing activities were prepared and workshops delivered to market the facility.
MoSEFF (2009-2017) was a credit line providing on-lending in sustainable energy projects in Moldova. Under MoSEFF ALLPLAN independently monitored the quality of technical assistance provided by the Project Consultant and verified the successful implementation of completed projects against technical and/or other loan documentation (e.g. Energy Audit reports, Energy Performance Assessment reports, etc.). Furthermore, ALLPLAN confirmed the level of incentives to be paid by the partner banks to the sub-borrower after the project was successfully completed.
Audits under the frame of the Austrian Energy Efficiency Law: ALLPLAN has carried out more than 50 external audits for several enterprises covering the areas buildings, industry and transport. Apart from the analysis of baseline energy consumption the audits included evaluation of energy efficiency potentials from technical and economic perspective. Additionally, ALLPLAN has already analysed the energy efficiency potentials in more than 70% of all Austrian major industrial sites and in more than 50 locations in 14 countries since the 1990ies.
Selected R&D Projects:
• Buildings as energy storage for the electricity grid: development – monitoring – optimisation including optimisation of a multi-apartment building by activating its thermal mass (2017-2021, BMVIT – Austrian Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology)
• Climate Neutral Buildings in Wilhelmenian Style (2010-2011/FFG, Austrian Research Promotion Agency): Aim of the project was the identification and analysis of rehabilitation measures to reach climate neutrality of buildings erected in the Wilhelmenian Style.
• metaTGA (2017-2020/FFG - Austrian Research Promotion Agency): Aim of this project was to develop a methodology for data and process-models and to apply it for selected technical building equipment processes. BIM – building information modelling – describes the method of optimised planning, realisation and management of buildings with the help of software.
• T2LowEx (2017-2020/FFG - Austrian Research Promotion Agency): Transformation of conventional heat networks to low temperature networks by means of secondary site measures – project partner

Contact information
life bulgaria
Our latest partner

Waste Management Bulgaria 1 OOD
Subcontractor, Expert

malenko stoianov
Associated beneficiary, Coordinating beneficiary, Co-financer
Natural person


РКИ РЦСИ "Топлоцентрала"
Associated beneficiary, Coordinating beneficiary, Subcontractor
Public body