Ministry of Environment and Water invites you to the Information meeting on the introduction of Nature Capital Financing Facility (NCFF) in Bulgaria, organized in partnership with European Investment Bank.
Ministry of Environment and Water invites you to the Information meeting on the introduction of Nature Capital Financing Facility (NCFF) in Bulgaria, organized in partnership with European Investment Bank. The meeting will take place on 27.11.2019 from 9.15 a.m. at the premises of Ministry of Environment and Water, “Europe” conference room, address: 22 “Knyaginja Maria Louisa”, Sofia.
NCFF is a financial instrument that combines EIB financing and European Commission funding under the LIFE Programme and it is managed by EIB. NCFF offers funding to projects that promote the conservation, restoration, management and enhancement of natural capital for biodiversity and adaptation benefits inside the EU.
The information meeting is targeted to banks, financial institutions and investment funds, interested to be involved as intermediaries in NCFF implementation, as well as to potential direct beneficiaries, including municipalities, private commercial and non-commercial organizations. The objectives of NCFF, funding requirements, case studies and success stories from other EU Member States will be presented.
In order to register for the meeting, please kindly use the attached registration form and send it filled to email address:
Please find attached a draft programme of the event here.
More information about NCFF is available at:
life bulgaria
Our latest partner

Waste Management Bulgaria 1 OOD
Subcontractor, Expert

malenko stoianov
Associated beneficiary, Coordinating beneficiary, Co-financer


РКИ РЦСИ "Топлоцентрала"
Associated beneficiary, Coordinating beneficiary, Subcontractor