The Integrated Projects (IPs) funded by LIFE Call 2017 were presented during the Kick-off meeting held on 6th February 2019 in Brussels. Mr. Angelo Salsi, Head of LIFE unit in EASME opened the meeting, underlining the role of IPs in mobilizing of complementary funds for attaining the environmental and climate objectives of EU. The Integrated Projects are large and complex, using the LIFE funding as a catalyzer to mainstream other funding sources for the implementation of environmental or climate plans or strategies.
The first approved IP from Bulgaria was presented. The project, led by Sofia municipality, aims to improve the air quality in six cities – Sofia, Burgas, Veliko Tarnovo, Montana, Ruse and Stara Zagora, which are home to one-third of the Bulgarian population. The project supports the implementation of the EU Air Quality Directive and the national legislation, providing pilot replacement of polluting household heating in 10’000 households and national recommendations for introduction of alternative heating systems. The project is expected to result in direct reduction of 160 t/year particulate matter and additional reduction of 3700 t/year ensured by the complementary measures, co-financed by the OPs and the municipalities.
life bulgaria
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Община Велики Преслав
Associated beneficiary
Ню Ай АД
Agency for regional and economic development - Vratsa
Associated beneficiary
Агенция за регионално и икономическо развитие - Враца
Associated beneficiary