12 Apr, 2018 | 18:35

LIFE Information Day will be held by the MOEW

In its Capacity of LIFE National Contact Point and under a capacity building project, the Ministry of Environment and Water will host an information day on the program. During the event, the LIFE program, the timetable for announcing and submitting project proposals under Call 2018, the new developments and forthcoming changes, as well as the new Multi-Annual Work Program 2018-2020, will be presented. The event will take place on 26 April, from 9:30 am, in the "Europe" hall (in the building of the Ministry of Environment and Water), address: 22 Maria Luiza Blvd.

В качеството си на Национално звено за контакт по Програма LIFE и в изпълнение на проект за изграждане на капацитет, Министерството на околната среда и водите ще проведе информационен ден по програмата. На събитието ще бъде представена програма LIFE, графикът за обявяване и подаване на проектни предложения по Покана 2018 г., новостите и промените, които предстоят, както и новата Многогодишна работна програма 2018-2020 г. Събитието ще се проведе на 26 април, четвъртък, от 9:30 часа, в зала „Европа“ (в сграда на МОСВ) на бул. Мария Луиза 22.

LIFE is a financial instrument of the European Union supporting environmental, nature and climate protection projects across the Union. The program was created to contribute the implementation, updating and development of EU environmental and climate policy and legislation by co-financing projects with European added value. It is structured in two sub-programs - "Environment" and "Climate Action". Eligible beneficiaries are public bodies and private organizations - commercial (except LLC) and non-profit (including NGOs).

The Information Day Agenda is available here.

Those wishing to participate must fill in and send a request to the following address:

lifencp@moew.government.bg . A link to the request template is available here. The deadline for receipt of applications is 20.04.2018 including.

More information about the LIFE Program can be found on the program’s website in Bulgaria:

http://www.life-bulgaria.bg/ or directly on the website of the European Commission: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/.

The team of the Program’s National Contact Point in the MoEW will be happy if you joint the |Information Day!