Info day and training on LIFE 2019
Bulgarian LIFE NCP invites you to Info Day about the Call 2019 which will include a matchmaking session and followed by one-day Project Development Training.
The events will take place in Sofia on 10-11 April 2019. Information about the exact location of the events will follow soon.
About the events
- Info Day about the Call 2019 on 10/04/2019 is open to all potential applicants presenting project proposals on environment and climate actions. The morning information session on the 2019 LIFE call will cover the changes compared to previous years, general information on the thematic priorities and specific information on Climate action. The afternoon matchmaking session will be dedicated to networking with fellow participants to share experience, match with potential new partners and learning from the managers of successful LIFE projects and representative of EASME. Working languages will be Bulgarian and English with simultaneous translation.
- Project Development Training on 11/04/2019 will focus on specific technical aspects of the project writing and meeting the requirements of LIFE Programme. It is targeted to experts, who are directly involved in project writing. Key trainer will Mr. Mikko Tiira from Metsähallitus Parks & Wildlife Finland (
Travel and accommodation costs
Bulgarian LIFE NCP has the opportunity to reimburse your international travel and accommodation costs. Our budget is limited to 20 foreign participants and to one representative per organization, provided on a first come, first served basis. More information about the eligibility criteria and detailed requirements is included in the info note below.
Please see below:
- Registration form for both events (you can register for one or both events with the form)
- Information about travel and accommodation support and cost reimbursement form
- Draft agendas of the events - subject to changes
- Sofia travel info package
1.Registration form LIFE Info day+training
Location of the event:
Ramada Hotel, bulevard "Knyaginya Maria Luiza" 131 Blvd, 1202 Sofia Center, Sofia
Contact info
For more information and registrations, please contact e-mail:
life bulgaria
Our latest partner

Waste Management Bulgaria 1 OOD
Subcontractor, Expert

malenko stoianov
Associated beneficiary, Coordinating beneficiary, Co-financer


РКИ РЦСИ "Топлоцентрала"
Associated beneficiary, Coordinating beneficiary, Subcontractor