European City Facility Call for Proposals – Info Session – 13 December 2021
The European City Facility (EUCF) Call for Proposals (LIFE-2021-CET-EUCF) under LIFE Clean Energy Transition is open and proposals are invited to run a European City Facility based on the experiences gained under Horizon 2020 ( and to offer financial support and services to cities and municipalities or their groupings to develop investment concepts for sustainable energy investments.
The info session will provide an overview of the European City Facility call, including the policy framework and insights into the relevant experiences of the current initiative. Interested applicants will also have the opportunity to ask their questions in a dedicated Question & Answers slot through (#EUCF2021).
No registration is required!
Simply mark this event in your calendar and join the info session via web streaming at the above-mentioned time on
The deadline to submit a proposal is 3 March 2022– 17:00 (Brussels time).
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Waste Management Bulgaria 1 OOD
Subcontractor, Expert

malenko stoianov
Associated beneficiary, Coordinating beneficiary, Co-financer


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Associated beneficiary, Coordinating beneficiary, Subcontractor