Calls for the selection of project proposals under the LIFE Programme for 2023 have been published
On 18.04.2023 the European Commission together with the Climate and Infrastructure Executive Agency (CINEA) announced 14 of the calls for selection of project proposals under the LIFE Programme for 2023. The LIFE Programme 2021-2027 the EU’s funding instrument, fully dedicated to the purposes of the environment, climate and energy. It contributes to the transition to clean, circular and energy efficient, climate neutral and resilient economy, including through the transition to clean energy in order to protect and improve the quality of the environment.
The Programme is separated in two sub-programmes: “Environment” and “Climate action”. The “Environment” sub-programme is focused on projects that promote nature conservation, efficient use of resources and the prevention and management of environmental risks. The ”Climate action” sub-programme supports projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase adaptation to climate change.
The currently open calls for applications, as well as those that are to be opened, are published on:
The Climate and Infrastructure Executive Agency plans to hold an information day on 25 and 26.04.2023, which will be dedicated to all potential applicants under the LIFE Programme. You can register here for the event:
The Bulgarian national contact point for the LIFE Programme envisages to hold an information day which will be focused on providing additional guidelines in the application process under the Programme. Additional information about the event will be published on the official website of the LIFE Programme for Bulgaria-, as well as in Facebook-
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